Cookie Dough – egg free

“Rich – I made you a snack – it’s in the fridge next to the milk…” I think that if I said that phrase more often we might be engaged (just kidding honey, kinda)

But in all seriousness – Rich LOVES cookie dough, even though he tells people all the time (as he is shoveling mouthfuls of cookie dough) how consuming raw eggs is bad for you. I figured I would show appreciation for all his hard work & commuting & such and treat him to a batch of ‘raw’ cookie dough to help deal with the tough semester he is having.

I didn’t want to go fully “vegan/healthy/raw” on him just yet though. I am sure that he will enjoy those ‘healthier options’ when I do try them [soon], but I am trying to loose weight and didn’t want to be tempted by having something sitting around that I could pretend was healthy. This Egg-Free Cookie Dough I (quite obviously) know is not “healthy” even if they are egg free and won’t give us salmonella!

packed in plastic for your snacking pleasure

Raw Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

adapted from The Cupcake Project (using a whole stick of butter – no need to mess around with measuring a stick & a half… going for easy here)

  • 1 stick butter, melted
  • 1/3 cup white sugar
  • 2/3 cup brown sugar
  • 1 2/3  flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3 Tablespoons Milk

Mix up all ingredients in a bowl (fork, spoon, spatula, whatever) & add in your mix-ins (e.g. 1/2 cup chocolate chips). DONE – we like chilled chocolate chip cookie dough, so this is now stored in a Tupperware in the fridge ready for danger.

And I leave you with this, today’s Question of the Day… What is your favorite Guilty Pleasure (food related or not)!? [mine is chocolate]