Tag: smoothie

Breakfast Pina Colada

Breakfast Pina Colada

Spring is in the air. Summer is right around the corner. You struggle to eat breakfast every day. You long to spend long days dancing in the summer breezes. If you can relate to any of those statements, and maybe even like getting caught in the rain 

Green Breakfast Smoothie

Green Breakfast Smoothie

Mornings are Busy ~ Life is Busy ~ Breakfast is Important Skipping Breakfast is a really bad choice! If you have an extra 5 minutes in the morning, you can whip up a healthy breakfast smoothie every morning (which is as simple as your favorite 

go GREEN smoothie

go GREEN smoothie

Installment #2 of GREEN recipes. I always read about detox smoothies and all sorts of other healthy-type-things, but am often too scared (or not enough dedication to “detox”) to try them. So when I found this Green Spinach Smoothie that included sweet flavors AND chocolate – I knew I had found something that was finally worth my time/ingredients to try!

I am current on about a week and a half for being sick (right now I feel like I am one cough away from losing the voice – maybe I should have listened more than a week ago and gone to the doctor, but at this point I am almost getting better – so no point in paying the co-pay!) After two snow days that were perfect for allowing my body some rest time we had a 2-hour delay… perfect time for a healthy breakfast! I whipped this up, shared with Rich and within a half hour we both used the bathroom (I’m not giving you details – but you get my point). SO – not only did this taste happy and healthy and thick and filling, but it also wiped some of that garbage out of my system. I think that Rich enjoyed the flavor – but never wants me to make it again since he didn’t like it cleaning him out!


  • 2 handfulls baby spinach
  • 1 cup almond milk (I like Blue Diamond Vanilla)
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons peanut butter
  • 1 heaping tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 1 cup frozen strawberries OR mixed berries

How To

  1. Throw everything in a blender and mix. (if needed add a tiny bit of honey to sweeten)