Jewish Penicillin

Jewish Penicillin

Day #2 of trying to play Dr. Chef. Last night’s Green Cream of Spinach Soup went over well and was comforting on his throat. He was coughing most of the night and miserable at work all day, SO – I did what I was brought 

Wing-Off: Super Bowl Style

Wing-Off: Super Bowl Style

My family decided to have a “Ring-Wing-Off” for Super Bowl. Actually I think it started because mom said she bought 4 pounds of wings and they were going to make the wings for our Appetizer/Dinner Super Bowl party, with the four of us. But when 

Chicken (soup) n Dumplings

Chicken (soup) n Dumplings

Today is another one of those snowy days (Snow Day #6 by my count). I used to love having random snow days (skiing, sledding, etc) – but this year I am just so over having “snow storms” which amount to about 3-6 inches each time 

Chicken Pot Pie

Chicken Pot Pie

I don’t even like Pot Pie… I have told Rich that since we first started dating (and too bad for him, because he loves pot pie)! As much as he loves Pot Pie, I guess I might love him (eww barf – I know!) because 

“40” Garlic Chicken

“40” Garlic Chicken

FALL OFF THE BONE… When you hear those words, you know you are eating something delicious! As this chicken made its way to the plate and people started to take their first bites, I heard the comments “how long did this cook” “it melts in