Mini Thin Mint Cheesecakes

Mini Thin Mint Cheesecakes

Did you order too many Girl Scout Cookies? Are the Girl Scouts still selling cookies and you just don’t have the heart to say no? Whatever your current state of Girl Scout Cookie Overload, I hope you have some extra Thin Mints in order to 

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Valentines

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Valentines

Valentines Day is just around the corner and these impressive Chocolate Covered Strawberries are delicious, quick and easy. So although Valentines Day is almost here, it is never too late to impress your Valentine by making these Chocolate Covered Strawberries now! While we are discussing 

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Glazed Donuts

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Glazed Donuts

Valentines Day is a day for sharing your love with others. Historically, the origins of Valentines Day is not known with 100% certainty, but most likely it is because of a guy named Valentine who fought for love! There are two common stories: either he 

August 10 is National S’mores Day

August 10 is National S’mores Day

I am sorry that I did not prepare a delicious new S’mores Treat for you today. 🙁 To make it up to you AND to tempt your taste buds, I have created a round-up of some great ways that you can celebrate National S’mores Day 

Chocolate Ricotta Mousse

Chocolate Ricotta Mousse

So often when you are done with your recipe that you bought your big container of ricotta for (and you always buy the bigger one because it is more cost effective that way), you still have ricotta left and you don’t know what to use 

Strawberry Chocolate Pudding Ice Pops

Strawberry Chocolate Pudding Ice Pops

There’s always room for Jello (Pudding Pops)! Growing up my mom always used her Tupperware Ice Pop Molds to make me fresh Ice-Pops all summer long! When I moved into my own house, mom figured she would not be making many more pops (until at