Spinach Pancakes

Spinach Pancakes

Now you wait just one minute before you stop reading (actually – you need to start reading in order to start, but don’t stop before you even start… if that even makes any sense). These are not pancakes like you would eat for breakfast… think instead 

Cream of Spinach Soup

Cream of Spinach Soup

Yes – another GREEN recipe! Now that I am over being sick (and just have an occasional gross cough) Rich’s body decided he wanted to catch what I had. He is pushing through it (and not taking it easy like he tried to force me 

go GREEN smoothie

go GREEN smoothie

Installment #2 of GREEN recipes. I always read about detox smoothies and all sorts of other healthy-type-things, but am often too scared (or not enough dedication to “detox”) to try them. So when I found this Green Spinach Smoothie that included sweet flavors AND chocolate 

Spinach breakfast muffins

Spinach breakfast muffins

These muffins have a slightly sweet taste to them, but are dense and tasty enough to not be overly gross BUT not so “spinach-y” that you don’t want to enjoy them for breakfast. I’m telling you – the only way to truly enjoy these is to make them and try them yourself!



While wandering around on the internet the other night I cam across this interestingly titled “Spanakorizo” but then the blog was all about working out and healthy stuff (nothing against that – but I’m not there yet) – so I read on (and gawked at 

No Knead Bread

No Knead Bread

I should have titled this “No, you NEED Bread” A friend sent me this recipe [you NEED to check out her blog – the photos of her son baking this bread are great and you can get the history/adaptations there as well] & I have