Chicken Soup

Chicken Soup

Nothing says love like taking care of someone. Valentines Day just happens to occur in the middle of winter and flu season. Nothing (according to my mother) is better for the flu than Chicken Soup. So, since you love to take care of your significant 

Pickled [Deviled] Eggs

Pickled [Deviled] Eggs

A few years ago I made Pickled Beets and my parents told me that they hated pickled beets, but since through the years I was forced to try lots of things that I said I didn’t like – I told them they had to try it. Guess What… they liked it! I figured since at Passover (or Easter!!) we always have hard-boiled eggs and my whole family now likes pickled beets, why not combine the two!?

Chocolate Covered Caramel Matzo

Chocolate Covered Caramel Matzo

Every year since I can remember, Chocolate Covered Matzo graced our Passover table. We always bought it but in recent years 1/2 of the pieces in the package were no longer full pieces of matzo but were broken into small pieces. Having smaller pieces is