Month: August 2012

Cheese Stuffed Zucchini Rolls

Cheese Stuffed Zucchini Rolls

It is still Zucchini Season & these Roll-Ups are classy and delicious and beautiful and simple!

Whey Bread

Whey Bread

No Way!? YES WHEY! As I was making Ricotta I knew that I just couldn’t bear to throw out all of the beautiful whey. While my ricotta was draining, I did some internet searching. While there are many uses for Whey, a lot of them 

Easy Homemade Ricotta

Easy Homemade Ricotta

There are just some foods that I don’t even think of making, buying them seems to make so much more sense. Cheese is one of those foods – I have the desire to make it but am terrified by how hard I think it sounds. I’ve also seen too many people (who know what they are doing) had things go wrong in the process.

Continue reading Easy Homemade Ricotta

Lemon Basil Sugar Cookies

Lemon Basil Sugar Cookies

There are some flavors that people love and other flavors that people hate. Commonly debated flavors include cilantro, stinky cheeses, beets, coconut, liver, and lemons. (for the record, I like all those – although as a kid I loved liver, but now am not a