Strawberry Vinegar

Strawberry Vinegar

Vinegar is the base of so many salad dressings …why waste those beautiful strawberry tops when we can use them to create a delicious base ingredient to pair with all your summer salads!

Recipe & Directions

  • Strawberry Tops (from about a quart)
  • White Vinegar (to fill a pint jar)
  • Cut the tops off your strawberries (we use approximately a quart of berries). Rinse off any dirt & gunk
  • Place Greens & any remaining red berries into a jar / bottle. Fill bottle most of the rest of way with your vinegar. Size really doesn’t matter & measurements are flexible!
  • Set in a dark place (or even your kitchen counter) for a couple of days or up to a week.
  • Strain out your berries & you are left with a pink jar of sweet vinegar!
One Day later

When infusing the vinegar with the strawberry, it really takes some of the bite away and you are left with a slightly sweet vinegar perfect as a salad dressing or anything else your heart desires.

This same method, although not tested, would probably work really well to infuse your own vodka as well!

immediately after combining