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Whipped Coffee

Whipped Coffee

Whipped Coffee a.k.a. Dalgona Coffee is all the rage right now! If you haven’t given it a whirl, gather some pantry staples (or add it to your next essential grocery run/delivery/pick-up) and try it out – cold OR hot! I know that Grocery Store Runs 

Sourdough Starter Crackers

Sourdough Starter Crackers

QUARANTINE LIFE has me like….. No, but seriously – being “stuck” at home with my family has allowed us to really re-center and get back to doing the things that we “don’t have time for” in our regular crazy lives. Re-Starting this blog being one 

Matzo Grilled Cheese

Matzo Grilled Cheese

During Passover we avoid eating leavened bread – call it “TRADITION” (I hope you sang that in your Fiddler on the Roof voice!). Even though we are not religious in our house at all, we strive to keep traditions alive. Eating Matzo during Passover is one of those traditions!

Grilled Cheese from Matzo – ready to cut with melty cheese

There are a million tried and true ways to enjoy matzo (matzo brei and matzo pizza being some of the all-time tried-and-true favorites for sure!)

Continue reading Matzo Grilled Cheese
Peach Pie Oatmeal Cookies

Peach Pie Oatmeal Cookies

These Oatmeal Cookies conjure up visions of fresh from the oven peach pie – without the commitment of making a whole pie! While using peaches picked right from the tree is idea for this, using canned or even frozen peaches won’t ruin the whole recipe. 

Zucchini Bread Waffles

Zucchini Bread Waffles

Zucchini Bread & Waffles are just a match made in heaven. Adding zucchini to baked goods (or pretty much any recipe) doesn’t do much except for adding moisture and healthy benefits to a recipe (meaning it doesn’t really change the flavor at all). Making a 

Carrot Top Hummus

Carrot Top Hummus

We all need to work together to reduce our footprint on this earth and that includes using up every bit of our foods and produce that we can (or composting and recycling what we can’t). When using up the often overlooked Carrot Tops is this delicious (and easy), there’s not a reason that I can think of to throw them out!

Hummus is a regular tenant in our refrigerator – it is SO delicious and a much healthier option Continue reading Carrot Top Hummus