Tag: cinnamon

Baked Apple Chips

Baked Apple Chips

Crisp Apple Chips for a fraction of the cost and a multiple of the flavor!

Sticky Buns – Bun in the Oven

Sticky Buns – Bun in the Oven

A phrase such as “There are STICKY BUNS in the OVEN” is sure to get smiles, hugs, and tears of joy from most people in your household. Another phrase which is sure to get people running and make them have the same reaction of smiles, 

Stuffed Snickerdoodle Cookies

Stuffed Snickerdoodle Cookies

“OMG it’s like a ball of heaven in my mouth” is how these cookies were described by their recipient

No matter how old you are, we can pretty much assume that you still like to get mail and that you still like cookies. So when my [future] brother-in-law D had a birthday last week I decided to combine those loves and send him some cookies. D’s favorite cookie is Snickerdoodle (we have talked about this before: muffins, dips, & I am sure more to come throughout the years) Now mind you, the sending of these cookies was after I had sent him a link to the very same cookies a few weeks before to congratulate him on his new job. He then reminded me that his birthday was coming up, so in some ways he might have been begging for these cookies.

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Irish Potatoes

Irish Potatoes

I had never heard of Irish Potatoes until I was a freshman in college. My good friends Bridget (yes, she is Irish) and Chelsea grew up near Philly and thought it was crazy that I had never heard of these things. They said “Irish Potatoes”