Tag: go green

Mushroom & Greens Warm Salad

Mushroom & Greens Warm Salad

Every year, when we turn the Calendar to January it seems that everyone makes a pretty serious effort to make healthier choices! Unfortunately, but the time we make it to February many of us fall back into our old habits. I am going to state 

Avocado: Hass vs Florida

Avocado: Hass vs Florida

I love living in Northern USA! I love the four seasons and welcoming each season with joy. I enjoy basking in the sun and then sledding & skiing in fresh powder, all in my own backyard. There are a few things that I don’t love 

Hellzapoppin [rice & spinach casserole]

Hellzapoppin [rice & spinach casserole]

COMFORT FOOD! Warm, Creamy, Cheesy Casseroles just bring a smile to one’s face.

Hellzapoppin close-up shot

The Great Balancing act of Comfort Food lies in enjoying these amazing dishes while still enjoying your current wardrobe! This Cheesy Rice Casserole has all of the flavor and comfort and cheese that you want, but it also has a benefit of all the nutrition of cooked spinach! So no, this is not health food – but it’s a doable addition to your weekly rotation.

Hellzapoppin Continue reading Hellzapoppin [rice & spinach casserole]

Green Breakfast Smoothie

Green Breakfast Smoothie

Mornings are Busy ~ Life is Busy ~ Breakfast is Important Skipping Breakfast is a really bad choice! If you have an extra 5 minutes in the morning, you can whip up a healthy breakfast smoothie every morning (which is as simple as your favorite 

Celery & Peanut Butter

Celery & Peanut Butter

March is National Celery Month. Celery is a vegetable with many health benifits & myths surrounding it. There is a TON of Vitamin K in Celery, it will hold many of its nutritional values when cooked, it helps with your digestive tract, and supports cardiovascular health. 

Shamrock Shake *Healthy Version

Shamrock Shake *Healthy Version

This time of year people get crazy for all things green & McDonald’s has been capitalizing on that for years with their “Limited Time Only” Shamrock Shake. The main problem with the Shamrock Shake (and most things from the Double Arches to be honest) is the list of ridiculous hard-to-pronounce and not-good-for-you ingredients!

Healthy Shamrock Shake

That is not to say that indulging in that kind of stuff every once in a while is not ok – but please don’t make a habit of it! If you put good stuff into your body, your body will be good to you! With the whole “you are what you eat” mentality going on here – we are doing a healthy version of the Shamrock Shake! Rich was really craving a Shamrock Shake and I was able to convince him to not pull through the drive-through the other day by promising him that I would make one at home Continue reading Shamrock Shake *Healthy Version